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What Human Design Is Based On

The Human Design Chart has hundreds of data points. Let's review the 4 esoteric and 2 scientific systems that Human Design incorporates.

Human Design is a synthesis of Astrology, the I Ching, the Hindu Chakra system, the Kabbalah, genetics, & quantum mechanics. 

All of those components obviously contain a vast amount of information, & they individually offer systems of explanation as a means of understanding our lives. 

How Human Design Is Unique

The unique thing about Human Design, is that it specifically has information to impart on your embodied experience - how these energies literally impact your body (how you feel, how you think, how you interact with stress, etc.) But each of the systems that Human Design is built through, all take complex information & use categorizations to understand it better.  Human Design integrates ALL of that information and is more specific.

Astrology, for instance, takes the complex information from your birth and uses systems of explanation such as the 12 signs, and 12 houses.  Then it gets more specific with the planet placement, your moon, your rising sign, etc.

Human Design took that same complex information and integrated it with other systems.  In so doing, it created the Bodygraph which has a lot of information to impart on your energetic experience (how you think, feel, learn, etc).  It categorizes information based on the 5 types, their strategies, your inner authority, profile, definition, etc.  All of these pieces add more and more depth to explain a lot of your life experience.

Whereas astrology might say, “innate leadership qualities,”  or “naturally intuitive,” Human Design gets specific in terms of how those qualities show up for you.  

Let’s look at the 4 ancient and 2 scientific information systems that Human Design is based on.  Then we’ll talk about understanding Human Design as a system,  to better navigate life.

The Systems Human Design Is Based On:


Just like Astrology, a Human Design Chart is based on your time of birth & location, and uses the planet placement at the time of your birth to identify how you experience energy, and your life themes.  Whereas astrology looks at where planets fall amongst the 12 houses & 12 signs, etc.  In Human Design you have two learning themes for every planet (which influences how you interact with that energy).  For instance, Mercury is about communication, so your two gate themes in Mercury are  about what you feel called to talk about, & your approach therein.

I Ching

The 64 hexagrams directly form the 64 gates of Human Design, and its 6 lines directly form the 6 Profile Lines.  Your Profile is determined by the lines (decimals) in your Sun & Earth gates, and it describes personality attributes, main drives, and even keys for success.  You don’t need to focus on this information yet, but all 64 gates (I Ching hexagrams) have 6 lines (which Human Design lists as the decimals following the gate number); the lines explain further specifics on the experience of each learning theme (also influenced by the planetary placement).  Perhaps most importantly, the I Ching is about learning themes we develop wisdom through.


The Tree of Life has centers and pathways, and those share a lot of similarities with Human Design bodygraph, centers, and channels.  Human Design categorizes that complex information differently, and more specifically, but there is a similar structure for understanding the Human experience of learning. 

Hindu Chakra System

Human Design centers are based on our chakras.  In the Hindu Chakra, there are 7 main chakras.  Human Design splits the heart and the solar plexus to form two additional centers (so 9 total) to offer further specifics on the depth present there.

Quantum Physics

What is energy?  What forms particles and the space in-between?  Science has started giving language to what was previously mislabelled as mystical, & a cool place to begin is looking into neutrinos (which ALL things emit). This speaks to the placement of planets at a specific time, offering a different energetic field than at other times.  We are all energetically impacted by what (and who) is around us.


The 64 gates correspond to the 64 codons in the human genetic code.  For instance, gates 22 and 57 both relate to  our ears, and even the way we listen.  It’s fascinating!

Are you interested in hearing more about how you interact with energy? You might be interested in my interactive book, which details the experience of your centers, or learning the Human Design system for yourself!

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