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Do Twins Always Have The Same Human Design Chart?

The short answer is, (more often than not) NO. Let's talk about how specific Human Design can be, and explain why fraternal (two thirds of all) twins can't have the same chart.

Did you know that fraternal twins actually come from two separate fertilized eggs, and they always have different DNA? That means they can be different sexes, and it also means they have about 50% of their DNA in common - just like any other siblings (only they happened to be born at the same time).

Identical twins come from a single egg that has been split, and the timing of that split dictates other factors (like if they are mirror images of each other, etc).

Were you aware that fraternal twins are actually conceived at different times?? Even if the two eggs are fertilized on the same day, both eggs would not be fertilized in the exact same moment. But did you know that it is also possible for the eggs to be fertilized as much as 24 DAYS APART?! It is even possible for fraternal twins to actually have different fathers!

It makes sense then, that these are two souls with different life intentions.

Here is another piece of the puzzle - the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching (or gates, in Human Design) actually correspond to the 64 genetic codons. It's fascinating! I am not aware of all of the genetic correlations, but I do study how Human Design impacts our physical experience on more broad levels. For instance, gate 57 corresponds to hearing through the right ear (while gate 22 corresponds to hearing through the left ear). I have gate 57 (Intuition) and I find that to be incredibly accurate - the right ear is where my hearing has heightened sensitivity, and (I know it sounds strange) but where I experience clairaudience. (If you don't have that gate it isn't that you don't hear through your right ear, or that you don't have intuition. That's ridiculous! It just isn't a learning theme for you in that specific way, or something you interact with consistently on a deeper level.)

Looking at a Human Design chart, it is possible that the twins share the same set of numbers on the right, but that gets determined by their birth time and obviously they could be born at different times in the day, in which case some of these numbers would be different. So technically, even identical twins can have different charts (regardless of sharing the same DNA) and that would most likely be reflected in the decimals. I think that also can speak to deeper levels of DNA within the 64 codons - and potentially even to when their egg split (all of which is also expressing soul intentions to grow through).

But where twins chart numbers are most likely to be different, is on the left side (in red). These numbers are formed approximately 89 days before birth, and speak more to soul intentions in terms of our inner drives. Given that most twins have different DNA, and fraternal twins are actually conceived at different times (be it one minute to 24 days apart), all of the numbers on the chart cannot be the same.

So twins' charts are a bit of a mystery, but one that I think can be reflected as well, in their actual birth. I am a twin, and I weighed almost two pounds more than my sister. I was born first, and she was born second. It's probably a good guess that I had a full term, and she had less time. We also had different signature emotions growing up (which speaks to Type). I feel like my birth chart is accurate, while hers is more of a mystery (with 24 hours x 24 days of potential variance, in terms of calculating the left "unconscious" side:). And I think that has great soul intention as well - Human Design doesn't have to be for everyone. (I think it's best to follow what you truly feel called to learn about, and that's how you know!)

Are you a twin? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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